
5 Instances of Offline Data Entry You Need to Know

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Even as we are hurtling towards 2019, a lot of data is still stored locally on hard disks and in non-technical formats. Many documents and data are often in non-digital formats and many prefer to keep their data offline for several reasons.

Regardless of the reasons, managing offline data can prove to be a challenging task primarily because everything is on the cloud these days, and secondarily because it is complex and monotonous to handle data manually.

Businesses benefit from delegating offline data entry to another agency as that saves time, valuable man-hours of in-house staff, and provides time for more important tasks.

Usually, the agency compiles data offline, without the actual use of internet, as per client instructions. This may include saving files in a different format, in a different location, entering data into forms, offline data mining, etc.

In this article, let us take a look at five instances of offline data entry that will help you make your operations more efficient.

1. Digitizing handwritten documents

During meetings and conferences, it is common among staff and business owners to write things down instead of typing them into their smartphones or tablets. Writing with a pen is still more convenient in a number of situations, and some organizations may actually require handwritten documents.

However, all this data and information needs to be digitized and stored in appropriate formats. You can choose to convert handwritten documents into scanned image files or have someone type all of it again, and store on a digital platform.

Either ways, your data will be easily accessible for future use, and you will not have to worry about being burdened by paper.

2. Compiling information and data from different sources

Data compiling is time and resource intensive and isn't the most enjoyable task for most employees. Outsourcing data compiling is always a smarter thing to do.

Data is often stored in disparate locations, and the information you need is usually not organized very well. When information and data are not easily accessible or organized, productivity and efficiency reduce drastically.

Compiling data and information from various sources and putting it all together in an easy-to-understand format helps you to achieve your goals quickly. Data and information can also be compiled from various online and offline resources to meet the requirements of specific projects.

3. Converting media into digital formats

A lot of images are stored in non-digital formats and at some point, businesses wish to save them digitally. Media such as film, images, sound files, etc. often need to be converted to standard formats that are accessible across devices and platforms. Image conversion services and video processing services help in achieving this goal and ensure that all your media is digitally saved and accessible.

Older platforms such as cassettes, DVDs, physical books, images from analog cameras, etc. can all be converted into digital formats for future use. These files can be saved in compressed formats too, to save space and use available storage meticulously.

4. Form filling and manual data entry

Businesses often have to fill up a number of forms and enter data into multiple platforms.

It is not always easy to integrate all the sources and automate the process of data entry. When automation is not possible and data needs to be entered manually, offline data entry services are of great help.

Manual data entry is time consuming and can prove to be extremely monotonous, which reduces motivation levels among staff. Businesses can choose to delegate this kind of work to an external agency so that in-house staff can focus on more intensive projects.

5. Data auditing and cleansing

A lot of data is incorrect, unrecognizable, and outdated. It takes a lot of time and effort to audit existing data and rectify errors. Data auditing weed through errors, repetitions, and redundancies, and updates it with accurate information.

Data cleansing helps in removing corrupt records and replacing them with versions of data that are updated. Data cleansing also helps your business to become more productivity by presenting the latest and most accurate information across your systems. This is one of the most popular offline data entry techniques available today.

Get the help you need for offline data entry

These are only five instances of offline data entry. There are many other situations where offline data entry services maybe required depending on unique business requirements.

Whether you choose to go paper-free or keep your documents secure from online threats, offline data entry continues to remain a valuable option for businesses even in this age of cloud computing and seamless syncing of data.

Delegating offline data entry solutions saves time, cost, and helps you to focus on your core business activities.

To find out how we can help you with offline data entry solutions and improve your operations, contact us today.

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