Have you ever wondered how you can complete more projects on time, without having to hire more staff? Most marketing agencies have difficulties in hiring more full time people simply because there offices may not be large enough, while others may have a limited budget for salary payouts. A few other agencies may find it difficult to hire extra staff because their projects are not continuous, and having more employees on permanent payroll negatively affects their bottom line.
In this article, let us take a look at a simple secret that has helped businesses across the world complete their projects in time, with no additional hiring.
So, what's the secret? Get small and lean.
The secret is, it's not really a secret but a tactic that is ignored by most companies, even if they already know it. All you need to do is identify your strategic and non-strategic activities, and prioritize strategic activities over non-strategic marketing activities. Before we begin to idegic and non-strategic activities, let us first try to understand the terms.
Strategic activity: A strategic activity can be described as a marketing activity that continues to ensure long-term success for your business. It is the kind of activity that helps your agency to differentiate and find a competitive edge. Strategic activities are those that make your agency special. These are the activities in which you have talent over others, and make you unique. These unique activities not only provide a competitive edge, but also define your agency's brand.
Non-strategic activity: These are the kind of activities that anyone with expertise can do. These are not unique activities and do not require your special talent for them to be completed. Non-strategic activities usually involve monotonous and repetitive tasks such as SEO, handling social ads such as Facebook Ads or Google AdWords, content writing, etc. Non-strategic activities will not directly make you the agency that you are, but instead, consume a lot of temporal and manpower resources.Read this article for more information about strategic and non-strategic activities.
Before considering getting external help for your non-strategic activities, you can also consider divesting some of your assets. After all, getting smaller is known to help companies get bigger. Investors love companies that divest their assets so that they can focus on core activities. In other words, divesting helps you to focus on your strategic activities, while remaining small. Non-strategic activities can be handed over to trusted partners, freeing up precious temporal and manpower resources. You'll not only get non-strategic marketing work done in time, but you will have ample resources to build on your strategic marketing activities, allowing your agency to grow in size and stature.
Find more statistics about divestment in this Business Insider article.
Get small, get bigger. Get more of those marketing tasks done.
Getting smaller and leaner helps you to focus better on your strengths and hone your skills. Marketing projects require a lot more creativity and focus than they did a few years ago, simply because there are far too many players out there. If your clients do not see the results they want, they may simply hire another agency.
To get small and lean, here is what you need to do:
Seek help before you need it
As you can see, the trick is to get small and lean, so that your company finds the necessary space to grow. If you are burdened by non-core activities like keyword research, content writing, or online research, it is a sign that you are not utilizing your resources properly. Use your resources to focus on what you do best, and to hone your existing skillsets. Getting your marketing done without hiring can be done easily.
All you need to do is use your existing employees only for strategic marketing tasks, while non-strategic tasks can be assigned to an external team.
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